Tire Siping FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I use this on my tire machine?
    • Our Siping wheels are designed to fit into a bracket width of 1.5in or larger(with end caps and spacers kit).
  • Do I have to prep tires before Siping?
    • We highly recommend that the tires are clean and completely free of rocks and dirt. This will help prolong the life of your cutting wheels. Additionally, we recommend adding air pressure to soft/flexible tires(Hoosier G-60 at 30psi).
  • My Siping wheel tracks off the tread block. How can I fix this?
    • We have seen this issue when the tire machine & holder flexes or rotates. If you can, try to eliminate the flexing or twisting areas. Also, please ensure the siping wheel axis is parallel to the tire when cutting.
  • How long do the siping wheels last?
    • Our cutters are made from hardened stainless steel blades. Due to the different tire types, cleanliness of tires, frequency of use, and hardness of the rubber the blades will wear differently. Under normal conditions, we are seeing an average life of 1 year. 

Feel free to ask additional questions below.


  • Bill Geil

    Do you make a horizontal siper that is wider? To sipe a Hoosier RR for a sprint car the tire blocks are 1 5/8"

  • Trevor Noonan

    Hi Kyle,

    Yes, please try increasing the air pressure(be sure to stay under the maximum pressure listed for the tire). The more flex you remove, either from the tire(more air) or the machine(more bracing), the better the siping wheel will cut.

    If you continue to have issues, please shoot us a message through Facebook Messenger or via email at info@noonanindustriesllc.com and we will be sure to help you out.

  • kyle b.

    i run street stocks on DOT 15×8 tires from mastercraft – avengers gt i have the horizonal roller i was woundering if i need to make the tire full of air to make the tire have less flex cause blades arent full setting into the tread the dyrometer is at 50.

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